Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (2024)

The Staff Management widget gives you quick access to your daily staffing plan so that you can make adjustments to your schedule when unforeseen events occur, such as when an employee calls in sick, or when an unplanned event requires extra or fewer staff during a scheduled time period. You can easily access the data that you need while keeping the impact on the budget and on service to a minimum.

The Staff Management widget allows you to operate optimally across departments or units with your available budget and staffing resources. Note, however, that it is a tool for daily operations, and it does not take the place of the Schedule Planner widget.

The Staff Management widget reflects changes to the schedule that are made, for example, in the Schedule Planner widget. Changes made to shifts in the Staff Management widget are reflected in the schedule as well. Use Refresh to ensure that you are seeing the most up-to-date information.

Staff management process

  • Importing or manually entering external driver data (such as point-of-sale volume, planned workload, and budget data)
  • Verifying shift fidelity (such as time-off requests and sick calls)
  • Adjusting staff to new demands based on the above factors
  • Repeating the process as necessary, often several times a day
  • The locations and jobs that you can select are determined by the locations and jobs in your organizational group.

There are two views in the Staff Management widget:

  • Summary view - Displays a tabular list, or grid, of the coverage details for the locations, such as units and departments, based on configured preferences. The Summary view helps you identify at a glance which units and departments that you work with have staffing issues. You can select the units/departments you want to work with, filter the view to see coverage details based on zone/shift or job selection, then open the Detail view where you can resolve coverage issues.
  • Detail view - Displays the basic coverage information for each last selected location in the last selected time period. You can perform several staffing functions in this view, such as assigning and unassigning shifts, adding and editing shifts, adding comments and pay codes to shifts, transferring shifts, viewing the list of available employees, and adding shift templates.

Summary View

When you launch the Staff Management widget, the Summary View displays the coverage details for the locations, such as units and departments, . The Summary View helps you identify at a glance which units and departments that you work with have staffing issues.

Within the grid in the Summary View, you can sort any of the columns to display the data in a way that is most useful for you. Click a column header to sort the values in ascending order; click the header again to sort in descending order.

You can also expand each of the locations to show coverage information at the job level. Click Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (1) next to the location name to expand it.

  • Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (2)
  • You can select different options from the drop-down lists in the header area.

    • Date
    • Locations
    • Jobs<![CDATA[ ]]>
    • Zones or shifts

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (3)

    Detail View

    The Detail View displays after you select the data you want to work with in the Summary View and click Open Selected.

    This view displays the units all on one page. You can choose to view the tiles all in one row — Comfortable View — or in two rows to see more information all at once — Compact View. A horizontal scroll bar appears if there is not enough room on the screen to display all the units. Scroll to the right to view additional units.

    To switch between the views, select Comfortable View or Compact View on the toolbar. To change the default view, select or clear the Compact View setting in the widget Preferences.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (4)

    Select units to work with

    The list of options that you can choose from is based on your organizational group. The lists also depend on the location that you select: only jobs and shifts or zones for the selected locations are on the drop-down menus. In the Summary view, you control the date, locations, zones or shifts, and jobs that display by selecting from the drop-down menus at the top of the widget and from buttons on the toolbar. When you apply filters — for example, for specific shift sets or jobs -- the coverage information that is displayed only applies to the filtered data. The selections you make in the Summary View define the context for the data that is displayed in the Detail view.

    Important: Click Refresh to update Staff Management widget information. Changes to the schedule are not automatically displayed. Refresh ensures that you see any changes that someone else made to your schedule.

    After you select the data you want to display, click Open Selected in the toolbar to display the units in the Detail View.

    You can hover your mouse over a shift to view a tooltip with full details about the shift.

    Click the down arrow on a shift to expand the shift details.


    You can select Today, Tomorrow, or Yesterday as the date to display. Because most of the time you will be making adjustments for a shift later today, Today is the default.

    You can also select any date using the Calendar icon.


    You can select specific locations in Preferences or in the Staff Management widget. You can also select Custom Locations that you created in the Schedule Planner from the Locations drop-down list.

    Tip: For best performance, select only the units that you need to see.

    Select locations. Either:

    • Select one of your locations from the drop-down list.
    • To see all the areas in your organization set, select All Home Locations.
    • To select one or more locations from the organizational map, select Select Location(s). Select the locations. The locations that you see are determined by the Location Type selected in the Preferences.

    Note: Changing the location selection when you are in the Detail View will return you to the Summary View, where you can review your coverage needs for the selected location(s) before you open the Detail View.

    Locations in a large organization

    Large organizations may use a central staffing office to manage schedules and coverage for large numbers of employees (200+). Although the office needs access to a large number of employees, they do not necessarily need to see all the employees at one time, and loading all employees at once is a drag on performance.

    To enhance performance, you can select only the specific locations that you need to see.

    1. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Staff Management widget and select Preferences.
    2. In Location, select None.
    3. Click Save.
    4. In the Staff Management widget, select Locations to select only the locations that you need from the organizational map. Or select another option.
    5. Click Save.

    Select custom locations

    You can create a custom location in the Scheduler Planner and save it with a name. The custom locations that you create then show up on the Location drop-down list in both the Staff Management widget and in Preferences. The custom locations that are on the Location list appear only on your list. Other managers cannot see or use your custom locations.

    To create and save a custom location in the Schedule Planner:

    1. In the Schedule Planner, click Show.
    2. Select Select Locations.
    3. Click Clear All.
    4. Select the location or locations that you want.
    5. Click Save As.
    6. Enter a unique name for the locations. Click OK.
    7. When you go to the Staff Management widget, the custom locations that you created and saved are on the Location list in both Preferences and the Staff Management widget.

    You can also create a custom location in the Staff Management widget.

    1. In the Locations drop-down, select Select Locations.
    2. Select the location or locations that you want.
    3. Click Save As.
    4. Enter a unique name for the locations. Click OK.
    5. When you go to the Staff Management widget, the custom locations that you created and saved are on the Location list in both Preferences and the Staff Management widget.

    Shift sets and zone sets

    Select Time Span Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (5) in the toolbar, then do one of the following:

    • Select All Day to see all of the employees with a shift or pay code for the selected locations and jobs.
    • Important: All Day is not based on the definition of the Day Divide.

    • Select a single shift or zone from the drop-down list. The list contains the shift sets and zone sets that are associated to the selected locations. Shifts are displayed first and then zones.


    Select Jobs Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (6) in the toolbar. Select All Jobs to see all the jobs in the selected locations that are in your organizational group, or select one job from the drop-down list. The list refreshes when you select a different location.


    In the Summary View, choose which units you want to work with, then click Open Selected.

    • To select all units, click Select All in the toolbar.
    • To select individual units, click the corresponding check box beside the unit.

    In the Detail View, to return to the Summary View to select units, click Summary in the toolbar.

    Reorder units

    The units in the Detail View are initially displayed according to how you last sorted them in the Summary View. You can rearrange how the units display, in both the Comfortable View and the Compact View, as follows:

    • Drag and drop a unit to move it to another location.
    • Select a unit, then select Move to First Position from the Action menu Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (7) to move the unit to the front of the list.
    • Select a unit, then select Move to Last Position from the Action menu Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (8) to move the unit to the end of the list.
    • To remove a unit from the Detail View, select Close Unit from the Action menu Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (9).

    Note: To display a unit that you have removed, click Summary in the toolbar, select the unit in the Summary View grid, then click Open Selected in the toolbar.

    Sort units

    Sort all the units, including the Employee Pool, in the Detail View by clicking SortManage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (10) in the toolbar, then select either by Name, Job, or Schedule.

    Display the Employee Pool

    Select Available Employees Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (11) in the toolbar to display or hide the list of available employees in the Employee Pool.

    The Employee Pool is a list of employees who are not scheduled to work in the selected context and do not have pay codes in the selected context. Their primary job or a job in their transfer set matches the selected job and selected location in the context.

    The Employee Pool includes all the people from the manager’s organizational group. It also includes anyone missed by the Location Type selected in Preferences. Example: If the Location Type is Unit and someone is working a job in the manager’s organizational group at the Department level (one level up), that employee shows up in the Employee Pool whether they have a shift or not.

    Hover your mouse over an employee name to see a tooltip with job and shift details, and rule violations, if any.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (12)

    1. To fill an open shift with an employee from the Employee Pool, select the employee in the pool and drag the employee to the open shift.
    2. You can filter the employees in the employee pool by job. Click Jobs in the toolbar, then choose one or more jobs from the list. For example, if you select RN from the jobs list, the Employee Pool shows only employees who can work the RN job because it is their primary job or it is in their job transfer set.
    3. You can filter the employees in the employee pool by time span. Click Time Span in the toolbar, then choose a time span from the list.
    • Select All Day to show employees with no shift or pay code who can work the selected jobs, and who are in the manager’s organizational group.
    • Select A specific shift or zone to show employees who are not scheduled in the selected shift set or zone set and who are in the manager’s organizational group and can work the selected jobs.

    Tip: For best performance, close the Employee Pool when you are not using it.

    If an employee in the pool has a shift at a time other than the selected time span, the shift label or start and end times are displayed in the Schedule column of the Employee Pool.

    Scenarios for the Employee Pool

    A manager and an employee have the following assignments:

    • Manager
      • Organizational group contains:
        • Hospital A
        • Hospital B
      • Transfer set contains:
        • Hospital A
    • Employee
      • Primary job is:
        • Hospital B/Pediatric/RN2
      • Job transfer set contains:
        • Hospital B/Pediatic/RN
        • HospitalB/Pediatric/Clerk

    Depending on what the manager selects in the context, the results are:


    Employee in pool?


    All Home Locations

    All Day

    All Jobs


    Employee is in the pool because they are in the manager’s organizational group and can work at least one job in the selected context.

    Hospital A

    All Day

    All Jobs


    Employee is not in the pool because they cannot work any jobs in the selected context.

    The context also controls the actions that a manager can take on a specific employee. Example: If a manager selects All Home Locations, All Day, and All Jobs, they can do the following for the employee:

    Manager Action


    Assign employee to primary job (Hospital B/Pediatric/RN2).

    Employee can be assigned to the employee’s primary job.

    Transfer the employee to an open shift in Hospital B.

    If the open shift in Hospital X is not the employee’s primary job, the manager gets an error message because the job is not part of the manager’s transfer set.

    Transfer the employee to an open shift in Hospital A.

    The manager can transfer the employee to an open shift in Hospital A, because Hospital A is in the manager’s transfer set, and the manager’s transfer set takes precedence over the employee’s transfer set.

    Filter shifts

    Select Shifts Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (13) in the toolbar, then select either All Shifts or Coverage Setting. When you select Coverage Setting, it filters out shifts that do not contribute to coverage for the selected Time Span.

    Edit schedules with Quick Actions

    Quick Actions are one-click shortcuts in the toolbar that you use to complete common, multiple-step tasks, speed up data entry, and reduce errors.

    The mouse clicks for Quick Actions are different from the mouse clicks for menu commands. When you click a quick action button, the action remains active and highlighted until you deactivate it.

    Example: If you need to lock several shifts, you can click the Lock/Unlock button once, then select each shift you want to lock. Do not click the Lock/Unlock button again until you are finished locking shifts.

    This makes it easy to repeat an action several times. However, this also means that you must intentionally deactivate the action when you are finished using it. To deactivate an active quick action, click a different quick action button, or click anywhere in the toolbar. Visually, the quick action button reverts to its default state (not highlighted) and the quick action is deactivated.

    The quick action is also deactivated when you change the time frame or change the location.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (14) Unassign

    Removes a shift assignment to create an open shift

    1. Click the Unassign button.
    2. Select one or more assigned shifts to change to open shifts.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (15) Shift Transfer

    Changes the job for a shift

    All segments of all selected shifts are assigned the selected job. Other data associated with the shift do not change.

    1. Click the Shift Transfer button.
    2. Select the job. The list contains only jobs that are in both your current transfer set and the selected location or jobs selected under a location
    3. Select one or more scheduled shifts.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (16) Insert Shift Template

    Assigns a pre-defined shift template to an employee

    1. Click the Insert Shift Template button.
    2. Select a template from the list.
    3. Select an employee in the Employee Pool to assign to the shift.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (17) Comments

    Attaches a comment to a shift or pay code

    1. Click the Comments button.
    2. Select a comment.
    3. Depending on the comment category you selected, select shifts or pay codes to attach the same comment.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (18) Pay Code

    Replaces a shift with a pay code

    1. Click the Pay Code button.
    2. Select the pay code from the list that appears. Only time-based pay codes are available.
    3. Select one or more scheduled shifts to apply the pay code to that employee.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (19) Delete

    Deletes a shift

    1. Click the Delete button.
    2. Select one or more shifts or pay codes.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (20) Lock/Unlock

    Lock or unlock one or more shifts

    • To lock shifts, click the Lock/Unlock button, then select one or more unlocked shifts.
    • To unlock shifts, click the Lock/Unlock button, then select one or more locked shifts.

    Edit schedules with the Actions menu

    To show the Actions menu, right-click on the shift that you want to change.

    Example Actions menu for an employee who has a shift:

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (21)

    Edit the shift

    1. Either double-click the shift, or right-click the shift and select Edit from the menu.
    2. In the Edit Shift dialog box, you can change any of the details of the shift:
    • Edit start time of the shift - The start date is limited to only the day before the current day of the day selected.
    • Edit end time of the shift - The end date is limited to only the current day or the day after the day selected.
    • Add or edit shift label
    • Add or edit shift segments
    • Add or edit skills and certifications
    • Add or edit job transfers
    • Add comments and notes

    For more information, see Shift, Pay Code, and Unit Actions.

    Assign breaks

    If automatic break placements have been configured in the system through employee payroll, you can automatically assign breaks to an employee's shift.

    • Right-click the employee's shift, and select Assign Breaks.
  • Breaks are automatically placed in the shift based on the break configuration that has been assigned to the employee.
  • Delete a shift

    When you delete a shift, an open shift is not created to replace it. The employee who was scheduled for the shift moves back to the Employee Pool.

    1. Right-click the shift or pay code to delete.
    2. Select Delete from the menu.
    3. Click Yes in the confirmation message. The employee is returned to the Employee Pool. The shift is deleted, and no open shift is created to replace it.

    Assign an open shift

    To assign an open shift, you can either drag and drop an available employee from the Employee Pool onto the open shift, drag and drop the open shift from the unit onto an available employee in the Employee Pool, or do the following:

    1. Right-click the open shift.
    2. Select Assign from the menu.
    3. In the Assign Open Shift dialog box, select the employee, then click Assign.

    Unassign a shift

    When you unassign a shift, an open shift is created to replace it. The employee who was scheduled for the shift is moved back to the Employee Pool.

    1. Right-click the shift to change.
    2. Select Unassign from the menu.
    3. In the confirmation message, click Yes. The employee is returned to the Employee Pool. An open shift is created to replace the unassigned shift.

    Lock shifts

    A shift that is locked cannot be changed.

    • To lock a shift, right-click the shift and select Lock from the menu.
    • To unlock a shift, right-click and select Unlock from the menu.

    Add a pay code

    Adding a pay code, such as sick or vacation, does not create an open shift, unless you select the select Create Open Shift<![CDATA[ ]]>option.

    1. Right-click the shift to change.
    2. Select Add Pay Code from the menu.
    3. In the Add Pay Code dialog box, enter the Effective Date for the pay code edit. This is the date when the pay code edit occurs.
    4. Select the Pay Code.
    5. Depending on the pay code, select an Amount of time or money.
    6. Enter the Start Time for the pay code edit.
    7. If the pay code edit replaces a shift, select Override Shift.
    8. To create an open shift with the same attributes as the replaced shift, select Create Open Shift.
    9. If the pay code edit is in addition to the shift, clear Override Shift. Example: Pay a bonus or schedule an on-call shift, do not override the shift.
    10. Note: If an employee has more than one scheduled shift during a day, a pay code edit overrides only the first shift that day. To change this default override, contact your system administrator.

    11. Click Apply.

    Visual indicators

    You can see several visual indicators about employee-related status in the unit.

    • A visual indicator may show to the right of the unit name to indicate the occurrence of an Org Rule violation.
    • Up to four visual indicators display to the left of the employee name, depending on whether the indicator applies to the item and whether the indicator has been set to visible in Preferences.




    Org Rule violation

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (22)

    One or more Org Rule violations has occurred in the unit.

    If the exclamation point has plus sign (+), the number of rule violations exceeds the maximum number configured to display.

    Rule violation warnings

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (23)

    One or more rule violations occurred on the employee for the selected context.

    If the exclamation point has plus sign (+), the number of rule violations exceeds the maximum number configured to display.


    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (24)

    Any type of transfer exists on any segment of the shift.


    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (25)

    The item is locked by All shifts or Shifts by Date.

    Comments and notes

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (26)

    The item has comments or notes that apply
    to it.

    <![CDATA[ ]]>

    The indicators are highlighted in blue when they are active, otherwise they appear in gray. Click each indicator to launch a tooltip with details.

    Note: Unlike in the Schedule Planner, shifts that employees self-schedule are not indicated by bold text in the Staff Management widget.

    Indicator tooltips

    When you click a visual indicator, a tooltip opens under the indicator.

    Rule violation warnings

    This indicator displays when there are rule violations for the employee. The associated rule violation messages are displayed in the tooltip. A vertical scroll bar appears if more than two messages are displayed.


    This indicator displays when there is at least one transfer within the shift. This transfer can be a job or labor level or work rule. Transfers are defined for both segments and shifts, and one shift can have multiple segments. The shift transfer indicator indicates that the shift or segment contains one or more types of transfers in the shift, such as Job transfer, Labor level transfer, or Work rule transfer. To see more details, hover your mouse over the shift to display the tooltip.


    This indicator displays when the shift is locked. If a shift is locked by All Shifts or Shifts by Date, it displays as a Locked Shift.

    Comments and notes

    When there are comments and notes on the shift, they display in the employee information tooltip.

    Read schedule information

    The units or departments on the Staff Management widget contain many pieces of information.

    PLN — Planned is the sum of all people hours in the adjusted workload plan for a time span, divided by the time span. If the adjusted workload plan is zero, the default values are taken from the baseline workload plan or the baseline labor forecast.

    Example: If you have 3 employees planned from 8:00 to 10:00 and 4 employees planned from 10:00 to 11:00, your calculation is:

    ((3*2) + (4*1))/3 = 3.33 employees

    This is the average number of employees required for the given period.

    SCH — Scheduled is the sum of all people hours that are scheduled in the Schedule Planner and Schedule widget for the defined time span, divided by the time span.

    VOL — Volume is the projected volume for the selected time span: In healthcare, volume is weighted and is based on census; in Retail, volume is sales.

    • The abbreviation for volume is configurable and may be different in your Staff Management widget. Example: The abbreviation could be labeled CEN, for census, rather than VOL for volume.
    • If Budgeting is installed, all volumes are based on forecast sales from the Published Plan, and locations associated to shift or zone sets display volume as N/A.

    Unit Name

    Unit Name is the name of the selected location; for example, ER. Hold the cursor over the name to display the full path name in a tool tip.

    Coverage details

    Below the unit name, a summary of the coverage status is shown. Click the down arrow on the right side of the blue bar to expand the coverage details.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (27)

    • Red indicates undercoverage. Undercoverage measures every minute of undercoverage during a selected time span (ignores overcoverage) divided by the selected time span.
    • Green indicates overcoverage. Overcoverage measures every minute of overcoverage during the selected time span (ignores undercoverage) divided by the selected time span.
    • Black indicates zero (0) overcoverage or zero undercoverage
    • Variance is the difference between total scheduled hours for the time span minus total planned work hours for the time span.
    • Hold the cursor over a job name to see a tool tip with the full path.

    How the system calculates coverage

    The following illustrations are examples of how planned (PLN) and scheduled (SCH) coverage values are calculated in the Staff Management widget. The values depend on what is selected in the time span. Although the example uses zone sets, the same type of calculation is used for shift sets.

    Important: The calculation for All Day coverage — planned and scheduled — is based on a day from midnight to midnight, and not on the configured Day Divide.

    Planned Coverage (PLN)

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (28)


    Time Span

    (Employees x Hours)/Time span hours

    Displayed Result

    Night Zone 11p - 7a

    (4*8) / 8


    E Day 7a - 11a

    (8*4) / 4


    L Day 11a - 3p

    (11*4) / 4


    Evening 3p - 11p

    (8*8) / 8


    All day

    ((4*7) + (8*4) + (11*4) + (8*8) + (5*1)) / 24


    7.21 is the average number of people required by the hour for the day.

    Scheduled coverage (SCH)

    Schedules for eleven employees are indicated by the rectangles drawn on the time spans.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (29)


    Time Span

    (Employees x Hours)/Time span hours

    Displayed Result

    Night Zone 11p - 7a

    (4*8) / 8


    E Day 7a - 11a

    (3*4) / 4


    L Day 11a - 3p

    (4.5*4) / 4


    Evening 3p - 11p

    (5*8) / 8


    All day

    ((4*7) + (3*4) + (4.5*4) + (5*8) + (0*1)) / 24


    4.08 is the average number of people scheduled by the hour for the day.

    Where volume and planned values are obtained when Forecast Manager is installed

    When Forecast Manager is installed, the values for PLN and VOL are obtained as follows:

    Plan (PLN)

    Is Forecast Manager installed?

    Is labor forecast configured? Plan comes from:
    Yes Yes Labor forecast
    Yes No Workload Planner
    No n/a Workload Planner
    Volume (VOL)
    Is Forecast Manager installed? Time span selected Volume displayed
    Yes All Day Forecast sales
    Yes Shift set or zone set n/a
    Yes Defined time span n/a
    No All Day Sum or prorated, projected, weighted volume

    For Retail, if zone sets and shift sets are not configured, values for volume (VOL) and planned (PLN) are represented by day.

    How the All Day census is calculated

    When you use All Day, census is the sum of prorated, projected, weighted volume.


    Span Volume Type Tue 10/04 Wed 10/05 Thu 10/06

    Friday Holiday

    Fri 10/07

    Sat 10/08
    Day Budgeted 5 5 5 5
    Projected 5 5 5 5
    Actual 5 5 5 5
    Eve Budgeted 3 3 3 3
    Projected 3 3 3 3
    Actual 5 5 5 5
    Night Budgeted 1 2 2 2
    Projected 1 2 2 2
    Actual 1 2 2 2


    • Day: 7-3p
    • Eve: 3p-11p
    • Night: 11p-7

    To calculate the volume for Thursday from midnight to midnight, volume for the Night zone is prorated as follows:

    • From midnight to 7a, the Wednesday night shift is used.
    • (Hours in the Thursday time span / Zone length) * Projected volume for the night shift on Wednesday

      (7/8)*1 = 0.875

    • For the volume for the night shift from Thursday to Friday, the same calculation is used:
    • (1/8)*2 = 0.25

    • The volume for All Day is:
    • .0875 (from Wednesday) + 5 (the day zone) + 3 (the evening zone) + 0.25 (from Thursday) =- 9.125 which is rounded to 9

    Enabling the All Day feature

    This feature can be turned on using the following property in custom_NAVIGATOR properties:

    com.kronos.wfc.eou.staffing.showvolumebasedoncurrenttime = false

    The server needs to be restarted after the modifications.

    Tip: If the census is updated several times, the value is the latest value from the projected weighted volume.

    Employee information

    Each row for a location contains the last name, first name, and job (in the unit) for the first segment of the selected time span.

    Depending on how the Display Profile is configured, either shift start and end times or shift labels are displayed. If the Display Profiles is configured to show shift labels, and no labels exist, then start and end times are shown. Hover the cursor over the employee name to see a tooltip with the job details, and shift or zone time details, for the employee.

    When there is a long list of employees in a location, you can use the scroll bar to scroll through the entire list.

    Pay codes

    Green type indicates a pay code. Pay codes show only for employees for whom this is the primary location.

    If you put a pay code edit on a transferred employee, the employee disappears from the unit he transferred to and appears in his primary location.


    Double arrows before the name indicate at least one employee transfer within the span. The transfer can be a job, labor level and/or work rule transfer.

    Show shift details

    If you hover the cursor over a shift or zone, an open shift, or a pay code, the details of that span, including comments, display in a tooltip.

    • If an employee has more than one shift on the same date, there is one row for each shift, and a tool tip for each.
    • If a shift has a transfer segment and the job for each segment is in a different unit, then the shift appears in both units. The shift start and end times are shown in both units for the entire shift, not for the applicable segment.

    Add open shifts

    Add open shifts to locations

    You can add open shifts in the Staff Management widget. They also appear in the Schedule Planner.

    1. For the unit where you want to add a shift, click the Action menu Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (30) and select Add Shift.
    2. (Optional) In Label, enter identifying text for the shift. Example: Day for a day shift.
    3. Select the Start Date.
    4. Enter the Start Time for the shift.
    5. Select the End Date.
    6. Enter End Time for the shift.
    7. Select the Job in Job Transfer.
    8. To add another segment, select Add Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (31).
    9. Click Apply.

    Assign open shifts to employees

    1. Select the name of an employee in the Employee Pool.
    2. Drag the name to the open shift.
    3. To assign someone who is already scheduled for another shift:
      1. Unassign that person so that they enter the Employee Pool.
      2. Drag their name to the open shift.

    Transfer shifts or segments

    • Transfer a full shift to another unit

      You can transfer an employee’s full shift to another unit.

      Using drag and drop:

      1. Select an employee’s shift to transfer.
      2. Drag the selected shift to another unit.


      • Work segments within a shift can have all the same job or different jobs. Breaks are allowed.
      • The shift editor will open when you drag and drop a shift if any of the following conditions are met:<![CDATA[ ]]>
        • The job does not exist in the target unit.Use the shift editor to select a valid job.<![CDATA[ ]]>
        • The job exists in multiple locations for the target unit, if the target unit contains subunits to which the jobs are attached.<![CDATA[ ]]>
    • Transfer a segment to another unit

      You can transfer a segment of an employee’s shift to another unit.

      Using drag and drop:

      Note: The segment of an open shift cannot be dragged. To transfer a segment, drag and drop it in another unit.

      1. Click the down arrow on the shift to expand the shift details.
      2. Select a segment of an employee’s shift to transfer.
      3. Drag the selected segment to another unit.
    • Transfer a full shift to an open shift

      You can transfer an employee’s full shift to an open shift, as long as the start and end times are the same. The employee is assigned to the open shift and the employee's original shift becomes an open shift.

      1. Select an employee’s shift to transfer.
      2. Drag the selected shift over an open shift.
        • If the start and end time differ, the error message states that the start and end time of both shifts must be the same.
        • If the shift times are the same, the open shift is replaced by the transferred shift.

    Set Preferences — Staff Management widget

    Optional: Depending on your access rights, you may or may not be able to set preferences for the widget.

    Click the gear button in the upper right corner of the Staff Management widget and select Preferences.

    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (32)

    This dialog box lets you select the default options on the drop-down lists in the header area of your Staff Management widget. The items selected in this dialog box are your preferences — what you usually select. You can select something different in the header area lists. You can also change the defaults at any time.

    • Location preferences

      1. Select the highest location in the hierarchy that you want to see. All locations and jobs under this location are available for you to select in the Staff Management widget. You can select locations only from your organizational group.
      2. If you have a large number of employees to schedule, you can select None or you can create a named group of specific locations.

      Select None for location

      In Preferences, you select what you want to see as the default context in the Staff Widget. If you select None in Preferences, then the Staff Management widget opens with no data displayed in the context. You can then select the data and locations that you need to deal with.

      To select locations in the Staff Management widget:

      1. Click the gear button in the upper right corner of the Staff Management widget and select Preferences.
      2. In Location, select None.
      3. Click Save.
      4. In the Staff Management widget, select Locations to select only the locations that you need from the organizational map. Or select another option.
      5. Click Save.

      Select locations

      If you select locations from the organizational map in Preferences, the locations that you selected load into the Staff Management widget.

      To select locations in the Staff Management widget:

      1. From the Staff Management widget Gear button, select Preferences.
      2. In Location, select Select Locations.
      3. If necessary, click Clear Locations to move all selected locations back to the left.
      4. Select the locations that you want from the left. Use the right arrow to move each selected location to the right.
      5. Click Select to return to the Preferences page.
      6. Click Save. The Staff Management widget opens with Selected Locations in the context and the details for those locations loaded.

      Location Type

      The Location Type selection that you make affects what can be displayed on your widget. Example: If you select Division as your location type, the widget shows only the locations that are configured as divisions.

      The widget does not show a mix of location types. Example: You cannot view both departments and units at the same time. If you select Department, and there are two units under the department, the department displays with a summary of the units’ coverage. To see unit details, you must change your Location Type preference to Unit.

      All the Locations Types that have been defined for your organization are included in the list, and not just those to which you have access in your organizational group.

      The locations that you see in the Staff Management widget depend on:

      • Your organizational group
      • The Location Type selected in Preferences
      • The Location selected in the context of the widget

      Example location and location type:

      Sally Smith has Hospital A in her organization set. She can see all jobs in the Units under that location: Floor 1, Floor 2, and Floor 3.

      When Sally selects Hospital A as the location in the widget context, all of the departments under Hospital A are shown; in this example, ER, Pediatrics, Maternity, and ICU.

      If Sally selects Labor and Delivery, all of the departments under Labor and Delivery are shown. In this example, there are no departments under Labor and Delivery; therefore the widget is empty.

      More examples for Sally Smith:

      Location Type selected in Preferences

      Location selected in widget context

      What you see


      Hosp A

      Three boxes, Floor 1, Floor 2, and Floor 3


      Floor 2

      One box, Floor 2



      No data


      Hosp A

      Four boxes, ER, Pediatrics, Maternity, and ICU


      Jobs under PP

      No data


      Hosp A

      Three boxes: Labor and Delivery, Neo-natal, and PP


      Floor 2

      Three boxes: Labor and Delivery, Neo-natal, and PP

      • The first column is the Location Type selected in Preferences.
      • The second column shows the location selected in the widget context.
      • The third column shows what you should expect to see.
    • Time Span

      Select All Day to see all the shifts and zones for your locations. All Day runs from midnight to midnight. To be sure to see an entire zone or shift, select a time span.

      Select Define time span to enter a specific start and end time to see information only within that period. After defining a time span, the start and end time is displayed at the bottom of the time span list.

      Note: Depending on the location you selected, the selected time span may not be available. For example, if the selected location has a shift set assigned and a zone is selected as the default, nothing will be displayed.

      Note: When the end time is set earlier than or equal to the start time, it represents a time on the next day. For example: The manager sets the start time at 9:00 am and the end time at 8:00 am. The defined time span is 9:00 am today to 8:00 am tomorrow.

    • Jobs

      Select All Jobs to see all jobs in your locations.

    • Rename Employee Pool

      In Widget Preferences, the user can change the Employee Pool Name of up to 21 characters. A name with reserved characters, such as an underscore or comma, is not supported.

    • Procedure Set to Assign Shift

      Use Procedure Set to Assign Shift to select a Procedure Set to assign open shifts.

      1. Select a procedure set from Procedure Set to Assign Shift by clicking the drop-down arrow.
      2. If you select a procedure set, when you click Assign Shift for an open shift, the procedure set filters a list of employees that you can select.
      3. If you select None, Assign Shift is not available from the Action menu.
    • Staffing Indicator Type Display

    • Enables you to see several visual indicators about employee-related status in the unit, if applicable.
    • The widget can show up to four visual indicators to the left of the employee name, if the indicator applies to the item and it has been set to visible in Preferences.

      Display coverage values

    • Display all coverage values in the Staff Management widget.

      Compact View

    • Select this option to have your default view set to the Compact View, which displays two rows of unit tiles in the Staffing Management widget. The tiles are smaller, but you can see more information displayed on the screen at once. If this option is not selected, the view defaults to the Comfortable View, which displays one row of unit tiles.
    Manage Staffing with the Staff Management Widget (2024)
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    Author information

    Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

    Birthday: 1993-03-26

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    Job: Administration Developer

    Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

    Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.