Health check-up for adults (2024)

In Germany anyone with statutory health insurance is entitled to preventive screening examinations. Alongside services to detect cancer early, there is also the health check-up: this can be done once from the age of 18 onwards, and every 3 years from the age of 35. You can read here what the health check-up involves.

At a glance

  • The health check-up is available to any adult with statutory health insurance.
  • The health insurance provider assumes all the costs involved.
  • The person insured can have the check-up once between the ages of 18 and 34, and every 3 years from the age of 35.
  • It is particularly useful in detecting risks of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes at an early stage.
  • In a concluding consultation the doctor will explain the person’s current health status, individual risks, and prevention options.
  • The person must attend the appointment with an empty stomach and, if possible, bring their vaccination pass.

Note: The information in this article cannot and should not replace a medical consultation and must not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment.

Health check-up for adults (1)

Health check-up for adults (2)

What is the health check-up?

The health check-up, also known as the health examination for adults, is a preventive offering that the statutory insurance providers offer to anyone insured from the age of 18. The insured person can use the offering once up to the age of 34, and then regularly every 3 years. The 3 year interval has applied since 2019.

The check-up aims to detect risks for diseases such as heart attack, coronary heart disease and stroke at an early stage and to prevent them. The examination is also used to detect, early on, whether there is any lipid metabolism disorder or a condition such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. Questions are also asked about the person’s underlying conditions and family illnesses, such as whether there have been increased instances of cancer within the family.

The health insurance provider assumes the costs of the check-up.

Important: Health examinations such as this check-up are not the same as diagnostic examinations that are done due to complaints or when illness is suspected. Anyone with statutory health insurance is always entitled to the latter when needed to detect or cure an illness, prevent its progression, or alleviate symptoms.

Health check-up: which questions are asked?

The doctor first asks about your lifestyle, your medical history, and illnesses in your family.

They will for instance ask whether:

  • you have had a check-up before
  • you have a chronic illness
  • there have been any cases of cancer in the family
  • conditions such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes occur in the family
  • you smoke or drink alcohol and, if so, how much
  • you do much activity and sport
  • you suffer from stress or any other mental strain

The consultation is also used to determine your vaccination status because vaccinations are amongst the most important measures in preventing illness. So it is important that the patient brings their vaccination pass to the check-up.

What does the health check-up look at?

The doctor’s consultation is followed by a number of physical examinations. The entire body is examined for any indication of a chronic illness.

The examinations include:

  • height and weight measurements
  • chest examination
  • lungs, heart and arteries listened to
  • stomach palpated
  • examination of musculoskeletal system, skin, nervous system and sensory organs
  • pedal pulse checked
  • mental symptoms recorded

Blood pressure is also measured. This, along with the cholesterol and blood sugar levels, can indicate risks of cardiovascular disease, for example coronary heart disease (hardening of the coronary arteries), heart attack and stroke.

Which laboratory tests are important for the health check-up?

The doctor takes a blood sample for the laboratory tests. This is used to determine blood fat levels and blood sugar. These results can be used to detect, for example, whether there is a possibility of type 2 diabetes or a lipometabolic disorder. However, in the case of adults aged from 18 to 34, these tests are only done if risk factors such as overweight, high blood pressure or other pre-existing conditions are present in the person or their family.

Important: To determine the blood sugar level, it is important that the patient comes to the examination with an empty stomach.

Insured people over the age of 35 can also have their blood tested for infections with hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses. Early detection and treatment of these viral illnesses can prevent severe liver damage. A hepatitis B test is not necessary if someone has already been immunized against this illness. Blood tests for hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses are included as part of the health check-up once only and are not repeated every 3 years. However, it is possible to get tested for hepatitis outside of the check-up to avoid waiting for the next appointment.

In addition to blood tests, a urine sample is taken during the check-up for insured people from the age of 35 so that protein, glucose and blood cell levels can be studied. This test provides indications of potential diabetes, as well as bladder or kidney diseases.

Health check-up for adults (3)

Health check-up: what does the consultation involve?

During the concluding medical consultation, the patient is given information about their current health status, their personal risk factors, and further therapeutic measures, if applicable. Patients also find out what they can do themselves to prevent particular illnesses.

It is important to follow the recommendations given. The more patients do for themselves, the more effect the measures will have. And many things can be incorporated into everyday life: anyone still able to walk well can use their car or public transport less. Or the plan might be to eat less meat, for example just once a week. It is also helpful to work together with one’s partner or friends to set and achieve goals.

Specific courses can help, too, for example if it is a case of more activity, balanced, healthy eating, effectively giving up smoking or dealing with stress. The doctors summarize the measures they suggest in a prevention recommendation. Insured persons can present this prevention recommendation to their health insurance provider. The provider then decides which costs they will assume for which measures.

If the examinations indicate a particular illness or an elevated risk of illness, the patient will be referred to a specialist if necessary.

What other prevention programs are there for adults?

As well as the health check-up, people with statutory health insurance are entitled to skin cancer screening – this may be done in conjunction with the check-up in certain cases – as well as tests to screen for bowel cancer.

Men are also entitled to tests to screen for prostate cancer. Women can make use of tests to screen for cervical cancer and breast cancer.

There is more information on the age from which, and how often, insured persons are entitled to these tests in the article on cancer screening.

Important: From the age of 65, and in conjunction with the check-up, men also have a one-off option to have an ultrasound screening to detect any abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Where can I get information from?

You can consult your doctor whenever you wish and arrange an appointment for an examination. You will also get detailed information from your health insurance provider.

As at:

Health check-up for adults (2024)


Which test is best for full body checkup? ›

A full-body checkup comprises of Haemogram, Blood Sugar, Pulmonary Function Test, Vitamin Check, Lipid profile, Liver profile, Thyroid profile, CT Calcium score, ECG, Chest X-ray, BMI, 2D-ECHO, Cardiac Test, and much more.

What does a general health check-up include? ›

When you have a check, your doctor will talk to you about your medical history, your family's history of disease and your lifestyle. Your diet, weight, how much you exercise, and whether or not you smoke and drink alcohol or take illegal drugs will also be discussed.

What are 3 questions you may ask your doctor during your checkup? ›

Questions to ask your doctor about your diagnosis
  • What may have caused this condition? Will it be permanent?
  • How is this condition treated or managed? What will be the long-term effects on my life?
  • How can I learn more about my condition?
Feb 3, 2020

What reasons would you fail a pre-employment physical? ›

What Would Cause An Employee to Fail a Pre-Employment Physical?
  • Inability to repeatedly lift more than a set weight.
  • Inability to perform the tasks of the job.
  • Inability to stand or sit for a protracted period.
  • Having a chronic communicable disease such as tuberculosis.
  • Failing a pre-employment drug and alcohol test.
Jun 4, 2024

What is the best test for overall health? ›

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A CBC is a blood test that gives your doctor a good picture of your overall health. It can measure different components and features of your blood, including: The number and size of red blood cells (these cells carry oxygen) The number of white blood cells (these cells help fight infection)

What is a full body check up called? ›

Some people refer to an executive physical as a full physical examination. Laboratory testing, radiography of the chest, echocardiograms, EKGs, stress tests for the heart, mammograms, prostate exams, audiograms, pulmonary function testing, and urinalysis are all part of this examination.

What does a regular doctor check up consist of? ›

Head and neck exam, including tonsils, lymph nodes and thyroid. Abdominal exam to check for any tenderness and liver size. Muscle strength, reflexes and balance. Lab tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry panel and urinalysis.

How often should you go to the doctor for a checkup? ›

In general for both men and women, if you are in basically good health and under the age of 50, it is recommended you see your PCP every three years for a checkup. After age 50, see your doctor once a year. After, see your provider once a year.

What is typically included in a wellness check? ›

Review your blood pressure, heart rate, height, weight and body mass index (BMI). Review your current health problems, as well as your medical, surgical, family and social histories. Review your current medications. Conduct a health risk assessment.

What are 5 things that a doctor always does when you go for a checkup? ›

Checkups and Tests You Shouldn't Miss
  • Routine Physical Exam. 1/13. Some people see their doctor every year for a physical to make sure everything is OK. ...
  • Height and Weight. 2/13. ...
  • Blood Pressure. 3/13. ...
  • Cholesterol. 4/13. ...
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening. 5/13. ...
  • 6/13.
  • Blood Sugar Test. 7/13. ...
  • Skin Check. 8/13.
Mar 27, 2024

What lab tests should be done annually? ›

Complete Blood Count and Metabolic Panel: These two blood tests provide a wealth of information and are typically ordered at an annual physical exam. The tests are vital in understanding electrolyte levels, hydration status, liver function, kidney function, and blood cell values.

What is the first thing a doctor does when seeing a patient? ›

Then you go to an “exam room” where the doctor sees you–and the first thing the doctor does is to ask you what's wrong with you–why you are there. Doctors call this the patient's “history”, and it is the most important part of the process of figuring out what is causing your problems and what can be done about it.

How to pass a physical exam? ›

Here's how to prepare for your exam to ensure it goes smoothly: Get a good night's sleep: Aim for eight hours of sleep before your exam to help keep your blood pressure stable. Watch your diet: Avoid salty or fatty foods for 24 to 48 hours before your exam. These can raise your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

What does a medical exam for a job consist of? ›

Physical examination – The job candidate will undergo a physical exam that typically includes a check of vital signs like blood pressure and heart rate, an assessment of height and weight, and an examination of various body systems such as the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.

Can a job deny you for high blood pressure? ›

Hence, employers are not allowed to reject a job candidate solely based on high blood pressure readings. Can diabetes cause you to fail pre-employment physicals? If a person has diabetes, it's possible that they may fail a pre-employment physical as a result of their condition.

What tests should I get during a physical? ›

The following is a rundown of common lab tests your provider may order or tests you may want to request annually or at least every few years.
  • Complete blood count (CBC) ...
  • Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) ...
  • Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) ...
  • Standard lipid panel. ...
  • Thyroid test. ...
  • Prostate screening (PSA) ...
  • Vitamin D. ...
  • Anemia panel.
May 30, 2023

What is a full body evaluation? ›

A physical exam checks your overall health. Your healthcare provider will evaluate the basic function of your organs, address any concerns, update your vaccinations and help you get healthy or maintain good health. Get a physical exam each year. It takes about 30 minutes to complete.

What tests are done in a check up? ›

Your doctor may assess the following:

Head and neck exam, including tonsils, lymph nodes and thyroid. Abdominal exam to check for any tenderness and liver size. Muscle strength, reflexes and balance. Lab tests, such as a complete blood count (CBC), blood chemistry panel and urinalysis.

What is a body profile test? ›

The total body profile is an annual health checkup that is recommended to assess one's own general health. This panel of tests helps clinicians to evaluate a person's general well-being, and detect any abnormalities that may have occurred, or those in their beginning stages.

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