Cites Barcelona (2023) Preview

1. Cites Barcelona (TV Series 2023 - The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Couples that have met via the internet go on a series of first dates. Catalan adaptation of the 2013 British series "Dates"

  • In the 21st Century, when dating has become a matter of texting, smartphone apps and virtual experiences, couples that have met via the internet go on a series of first dates. Catalan adaptation of the 2013 British series

2. Cites Barcelona (3rd season)

  • Synopsis: This is the third season of the famous TV3 series, Citas. The series narrates encounters between strangers, stories about what happens when technology ...

  • Shooting: 

3. Citas Barcelona (2023) miniseries - Filmaffinity

  • Trailer (SPANISH) TV Series (2023-). 2 Seasons. In 'Citas Barcelona' the characters meet face to face after meeting on the internet; they are looking for love, ...

  • Genre: TV Series | Synopsis: TV Series (2023-). 2 Seasons. In 'Citas Barcelona' the characters meet face to face after meeting on the internet; they are looking for love, sex or simply someone to take them away from loneliness. ...

4. Cites Barcelona (TV Series 2023 - The Movie Database

  • Season 2 of Cites Barcelona is set to premiere on oktobris 16, 2024. Epizode 1. (2x1, oktobris 16, 2024).

  • In the 21st Century, when dating has become a matter of texting, smartphone apps and virtual experiences, couples that have met via the internet go on a series of first dates. Catalan adaptation of the 2013 British series

5. Cites Barcelona (2023) - Plex

6. Cites Barcelona - Season 3 -

  • Diversos personatges es troben cara a cara, en diferents espais de la ciutat de Barcelona, després de coneixe's a través d'una app de contactes.

  • This season is locked. New artwork may be added.

7. Cites Barcelona - 3Cat

  • Barcelona és l'escenari on se citen diferents parelles que s'han conegut a través d'una aplicació d'internet. Una sèrie dirigida per Pau Freixas.

8. Cites Barcelona 2023 - Trakt

  • Cites Barcelona 2023 ; Runtime 45m ; Total Runtime 5h 3m (6 episodes) ; Country Spain ; Languages Catalan; Valencian, Spanish; Castilian ; Studios Arca Audiovisual + ...

  • In the 21st Century, when dating has become a matter of texting, smartphone apps and virtual experiences, couples that have met via the internet go on a series of first dates. Catalan adaptation of the 2013 British series "Dates"

9. Cites Barcelona (2023) - TV Show - Moviefone

  • 12 jun 2023 · Visit the TV show page for 'Cites Barcelona' on Moviefone. Discover the show's synopsis, cast details, and season information.

  • Visit the TV show page for 'Cites Barcelona' on Moviefone. Discover the show's synopsis, cast details, and season information. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and episode reviews. Your guide to this television journey starts here.

10. Así son las nuevas 'Cites Barcelona' de TV3 y Prime Video - El Periódico

  • 5 uur geleden · TV3 y 3Cat estrenan este miércoles la segunda temporada de la serie, que llegará a Prime Video el lunes.

  • TV3 y 3Cat estrenan este miércoles la segunda temporada de la serie, que llegará a Prime Video el lunes

11. Cites - 3Cat

  • Situada a Barcelona, la sèrie ofereix una mirada personal a les relacions de parella actuals. T1xC1. 13 anys. Icona rellotge. Durada: 43 min.

  • La sèrie, situada a Barcelona, ofereix una mirada personal a les relacions de parella actuals, al voltant d'una xarxa de personatges que es creuaran entre si i que els espectadors aniran retrobant al llarg dels episodis.

12. Cites Barcelona · Season 1 Episode 2 - Plex

  • Geplaatst: 11 jun 2023

  • Nico and Diana: Diana has only had one date in her life, and it was with her late husband. Nico has never had a stable relationship. Their date starts off great, but they soon discover that they are looking for very different things. Juanqui and Barbs: Despite their significant age difference, Juanqui and Barbs enjoy a pleasant date together. However, an unexpected accident leads them to end up in the emergency room.

13. Fitxa de doblatge Cites Barcelona

  • CITES BARCELONA. Cites Barcelona. Emesa per TV. Disponible en Video Sota Demanda. CITES BARCELONA. Citas Barcelona. Any Original: 2023; Any Doblatge: 2023.

14. Citas Barcelona (serie 2023) - Tráiler. resumen, reparto y dónde ver ...

  • Muestra los encuentros entre dos potenciales parejas, integrando un elemento en común en todas ellas: la ciudad de Barcelona, que se explorará desde diferentes ...

  • Citas Barcelona es una serie creada por . En emisión, protagonizada por . Descubre dónde ver esta película, tráiler, vídeos, resumen o sinopsis y mucho más, en La Vanguardia

15. Això és el que pagarà TV3 per fer la segona temporada de "Cites ...

  • 12 apr 2024 · 3Cat i Amazon Prime Video ja han començat el rodatge de la segona temporada de Cites Barcelona que s'estrenarà aquest mateix 2024.

  • En el repartiment dels nous episodis hi haurà Aina Clotet, Yolanda Ramos, el germà de Mario Casas, o el coach d'"Eufòria", Alfons Nieto

16. 'Citas Barcelona': fecha de estreno, reparto y tráiler de la ... - 20Minutos

  • 6 dagen geleden · Anna Castillo, Yolanda Ramos o Ricardo Gómez conforman el reparto de la nueva entrega de esta serie que sigue las primeras citas en la ...

  • Anna Castillo, Yolanda Ramos o Ricardo Gómez conforman el reparto de la nueva entrega de esta serie que sigue las primeras citas en la Ciudad Condal

17. C40 Cities - A global network of mayors taking urgent climate action

  • C40 Cities is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world's leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.

  • C40 Cities is a global network of mayors taking urgent action to confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone can thrive.

18. CWTS Leiden Ranking

  • The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2024 offers important insights into the scientific performance of over 1500 major universities worldwide.

  • The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2024 offers important insights into the scientific performance of over 1500 major universities worldwide. Select your preferred indicators, generate results, and explore the performance of universities.

Cites Barcelona (2023) Preview
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.