Advance Wars: Days of Ruin |
Also known as: Advance Wars: Dark Conflict (EU), Famicom Wars DS: Ushinawareta Hikari (JP) This game has unused areas. This game has a data page |
This game/console's online features are no longer supported. While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of May 20, 2014) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content. |
To do: Document the difference in scripts between the US and UK version. The European logo is different too. |
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is the second Nintendo DS game in the Wars series. It features a much darker storyline, completely disconnected from the prior lighthearted entries, set in a post-apocalyptic world. The character designs this time was provided by Hiroaki of King of Fighters fame.
The Japanese version was shelved numerous times due to various circumstances, despite the fact that it was not only already finished, but was even contained within the code of the American and European versions. It was eventually given an official release as a downloadable DSiware game, less than 6 months before the death of its online functionality.
- 1 Sub-Pages
- 2 Alternate C15 Ending
- 3 Unused Music
- 3.2 BGM_HAPPY2
- 3.3 BGM_SADLV2
- 3.4 BGM_GMAP4
- 4 Unused Graphics
- 4.1 Japanese Title Screen
- 4.2 Test Graphic
- 4.3 Unused Aircraft Carrier
- 4.4 Unused Weapon
- 4.5 Unused Terrain Name
- 4.6 Unused Tile
- 4.7 Debug Options
- 5 Unused Text
- 6 Unused Japanese Mode
- 7 Unused Maps
- 7.1
- 7.2
- 7.3
- 7.4
- 7.5
- 8 Extra Unit Lists
- 8.1 dispos/cmp01_01
- 8.2 dispos/test
- 8.3 dispos/reinforcement_test
- 8.4 dispos/Beached
- 8.5 dispos/BHD
- 8.6 dispos/Bigfoot
- 8.7 dispos/daisuke_48
- 8.8 dispos/daisuke_52
- 8.9 dispos/daisuke_57, daisuke_58 and daisuke_59
- 8.10 dispos/Ezload
- 8.11 dispos/G-JET and dispos/G_JET
- 8.12 dispos/gocircle
- 8.13 dispos/guringurin
- 8.14 dispos/hairpin
- 8.15 dispos/Ezload
- 8.16 dispos/ichihachi
- 8.17 dispos/jisohou
- 8.18 dispos/muramatu25
- 8.19 dispos/muramatu27
- 8.20 dispos/muramatu28
- 8.21 dispos/muramatu29
- 8.22 dispos/muramatu30
- 8.23 dispos/muramatu31
- 8.24 dispos/muramatu53
- 8.25 dispos/muramatu70
- 8.26 dispos/nakazawa01
- 8.27 dispos/nakazawa02
- 8.28 dispos/nakazawa03
- 8.29 dispos/nakazawa06
- 8.30 dispos/nakazawa08
- 8.31 dispos/nakazawa14
- 8.32 dispos/nakazawa18
- 8.33 dispos/nisikawa01
- 8.34 dispos/nisikawa02
- 8.35 dispos/plasmaimpact
- 8.36 dispos/plasmamap
- 8.37 dispos/plasmazuru
- 8.38 dispos/sakuttomap
- 8.39 dispos/Sky4
- 8.40 dispos/T-Star
- 8.41 dispos/zzz_maeda09
- 9 Cleanup Batch Script
- 10 References
Notes |
Data |
English Translation Differences (Contains spoilers!) Nearly completely different English text. |
Alternate C15 Ending
Completing "Icy Retreat" or "Escape on Ice" while Brenner/O'Brian's tank is still alive gives additional dialogue from him during the ending. It is unlikely this is possible in normal gameplay.
Unused Music
Some unused music can be found nested in the game's SDAT. Some of it includes midi renditions of what are played as wave streams (.strm) in the final release, while others are just not played in the game.
Appears to be a victory track. Replaced by a different one of the streaming audio tracks.
A remix of the song "For the Sake of Omega Land" from Advance Wars: Dual Strike, not used anywhere in the game.
An unused track that appears to be two tracks stitched together.
A MIDI rendition of the streaming track "Final Reckoning" in the game.
MIDI renditions of all of the Mission Intro music that is never played, due to the tracks existing as streams in-game.
Unused Graphics
Japanese Title Screen
To do: Explain how to make the Japanese logo appear. Is this graphic in the European ROM? |
The US ROM contains two leftover title screens: the final European version, and the then-unreleased Japanese version. In the 2013 DSiWare release, its outline was darkened.
US ROM | DSiWare |
Test Graphic
The US and EU ROMs also contains a test graphic located in the /ending/ folder as a single graphic "". The graphic says "title" in hiragana.
Unused Aircraft Carrier
Found in "bmap_fs/taiki3d.tex", graphics for a smaller aircraft carrier with a seaplane on it can be found. This might've been an older version of the aircraft carrier with specific graphics for when carrying a seaplane. The full graphics for the unit can be found in "mu/ship_k", while the used is in "mu/ship_s".
Unused | Used |
Unused | Used |
Unused Weapon
The graphic for the list of weapons lists an "AA Artl" weapon, "Anti-Air Artl." in the Dark Conflict version. No unit uses this weapon, the closest being the Missiles unit, which uses "Anti-Air Msl". Though since it's a shortened name of Anti-Air Artillery, it's most likely it might be the Anti-Air Artillery from Super Famicom Wars since it matches the name and most likely acted mostly the same since in Super Famicom Wars, it's basically an artillery version of the Missiles.
Unused Terrain Name
Both English versions list an unused "Plsm. trace" terrain name. This was likely meant for land tiles where plasma once was but got removed. These tiles instead use the "Plain" name, albeit with unique graphics for the tile.
Unused Tile
Tile ID 01C0 is a tile for a neutral HQ. Capturing it allows the player to have an additional HQ, after this, it acts as a normal HQ.
Debug Options
Found in "bmap_fs/e_menu00/e_mapmenu_lose_l" and "bmap_fs/e_menu00/e_mapmenu_win_l" are debug options which say "Debug [Lose!]" and "Debug [Win!]". Duplicates can be found in e_menu01.
Unused Text
In mission 13, Greyfield Strikes/Rearguard Action, Greyfield/Sigismundo will give orders for the unit you have the most of to be disabled the next day. Text exists for this regarding all units, however, as the war tank/mega tank cannot be produced until mission 16, the text for these units goes unused.
Days of Ruin | Dark Conflict |
Report on the units in Brenner's group.Where does their strength lie?War Tanks? Understood. Ensureyou relay my orders tomorrow! All war tanks, halt! Don't move aninch without my leave! | Report on the units in O'Brian's Legion.In which units does their strength lie?Mega Tank units? Understood. Ensureyou relay my orders tomorrow... Mega Tank units remain stationary!Don't move an inch without my say so! |
Unused Japanese Mode
To do: How to access the Japanese script in the European ROM. |
The American and European versions of the game contain the complete Japanese version, later used in the 2013 DSiWare release, that is functional but dummied out in the game files. The Japanese script most closely resembles the non-English scripts of the European version.
The functionality can be restored by turning your Firmware Language to Japanese and changing the byte of the US ROM at 0xE720F from 05 to E5. While changing this byte does not enable the Japanese title screen, it has an additional effect of restoring German and Italian to the European version's behavior (the US version normally only plays in English, French, or Spanish).
Japanese | American | Japanese | American | |
Unused Maps
This map appears in the filesystem, but is unreferenced anywhere else by the game. It is a versus or Trial style map.
This is a map from the previous games called "Switchback".
This map appears to be an unfinished pre-deployed Trial map.
Map | + Pre-Deploy |
This map also appears to be an unfinished pre-deployed Trial map.
Map | + Pre-Deploy |
This map appears to be a Versus map of some variety.
Extra Unit Lists
To do: Transfer all the tables. Add the WIP revision unit lists as well. |
Every map with predeployed units has a unit list associated with it that is called on map load or by the in-game scripting engine. Some of these are unused in the filesystem and never loaded.
A enemy reinforcement list for the first mission of the Campaign, C1. The one used in the final build (dispos/cmp01_02) only has a Recon and a Tank.
Unit | Position |
Army | Player 2 |
Mech | 15,3 |
Mech | 15,7 |
Recon | 15,4 |
Tank | 15,6 |
Test map! Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | ||||||
Army | Player 1 | Rockets | 5,27 | Rockets | 1,28 | Rockets | 14,28 | Rockets | 18,27 | Rockets | 29,26 | Infantry | 8,27 | ||||||
Infantry | 12,27 | Infantry | 0,28 | Infantry | 4,27 | Infantry | 2,28 | Infantry | 9,27 | Infantry | 19,27 | Infantry | 22,28 | ||||||
Infantry | 11,27 | Infantry | 17,27 | Infantry | 24,28 | Infantry | 28,26 | Infantry | 5,21 | Infantry | 3,21 | Infantry | 1,24 | ||||||
Infantry | 3,24 | Infantry | 7,24 | Infantry | 17,21 | Infantry | 21,19 | Infantry | 22,22 | Infantry | 28,22 | Anti-Air | 16,22 | ||||||
Anti-Air | 21,22 | Anti-Air | 1,19 | Anti-Air | 10,29 | Anti-Air | 4,28 | Army | Player 2 | Lander | 3,4 | Lander | 5,4 | ||||||
Lander | 7,4 | Lander | 20,4 | Lander | 22,4 | Lander | 24,4 | Lander | 13,4 | Lander | 15,4 | Lander | 10,3 | ||||||
Lander | 11,3 | Lander | 17,3 | Lander | 14,4 | Lander | 4,4 | Lander | 6,4 | Lander | 21,4 | Lander | 23,4 | ||||||
Lander | 29,5 | Infantry | 29,4 | Lander | 27,5 | Infantry | 3,2 | Mech | 3,1 | MidTank | 6,2 | Recon | 4,2 | ||||||
Infantry | 7,2 | Mech | 7,1 | Mech | 11,1 | Infantry | 11,2 | Infantry | 15,2 | Mech | 15,1 | Infantry | 21,3 | ||||||
Mech | 21,2 | Infantry | 23,3 | Mech | 23,2 | WarTank | 22,3 | Tank | 14,2 | Infantry | 17,2 | WarTank | 5,2 | ||||||
Tank | 20,3 | Tank | 10,2 | Infantry | 13,2 | Mech | 17,1 | Recon | 24,3 | Bomber | 1,7 | Bomber | 10,7 | ||||||
Bomber | 18,7 | Bomber | 27,7 | Mech | 29,3 | Infantry | 27,4 | Mech | 27,3 | Mech | 13,1 |
A test unit list used for the reinforcement function. Note the overlapping position of the Rig and the first Infantry - it appears to be testing that two units on the same tile get loaded correctly.
Unit | Position |
Army | Player 1 |
Infantry | 4,6 |
Infantry | 4,4 |
Rig | 4,6 |
Army | Player 2 |
Mech | 4,5 |
Looks like a beach head defence map, with a large number of indirects and meatwalls to deal with Player 2's many landers, mechs and tanks. Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Appears to be a map about dealing with a huge swarm of infantry. Looks like some kind of Trial or Campaign map. Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
A map that appears to be some kind of predeployed Trial map or similar. Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
dispos/daisuke_57, daisuke_58 and daisuke_59
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
dispos/G-JET and dispos/G_JET
Two copies of a unit list, with an identical name to one of the deleted maps (see the batch script). Judging by the units, the map would appear to be a similar type of map as the map "T17: Coast Assault" but with a focus on aerial units, rather than a navy/land invasion. The only difference between the two files is the filename.
Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | Unit | Position | ||||||
Army | Player 1 | Bomber | 9,0 | Bomber | 0,0 | Duster | 4,0 | Duster | 5,0 | Fighter | 2,1 | Fighter | 7,1 | ||||||
Army | Player 2 | Anti-Air | 5,7 | Battle Copter | 4,6 | Duster | 4,8 | Duster | 5,8 | Missiles | 4,7 | Battle Copter | 5,6 |
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Duplicate unit list for the deleted, which is a duplicate of ("Rotor Battle").
Belongs to one of the deleted maps in the batch file of the same name.
Cleanup Batch Script
Present in the file system is a batch script called unused_map.bat, a standard batch file with commands to delete a huge amount of maps that are supposedly unused. There appear to be a list of test maps and a maplist by various developers who had a category of maps removed.
Filenames systematically seem to refer to either games or individuals within Intelligent Systems.
AGB = Game Boy Advance (Advance Wars)
SFW = Super Famicom Wars
daisuke = Daisuke Nakajima
muramatu = Toshitaka Muramatsu
nakazawa = Kyouko Nakazawa
hayashi = Hiroyuki Hayashi
cmp = Days of Ruin Campaign ( was likely a Campaign test map or tutorial map)
The maps with the w2_ and w3_ prefix appear to refer to Advance Wars 2 maps, and Advance Wars: Dual Strike maps respectively, which can be worked out from the remaining maps in the game that conform to that pattern.
DEL agb00.mapDEL agb04.mapDEL Beached.mapDEL BHD.mapDEL Bigfoot.mapDEL cmp00.mapDEL daisuke01.mapDEL daisuke02.mapDEL daisuke03.mapDEL daisuke04.mapDEL daisuke05.mapDEL daisuke06.mapDEL daisuke08.mapDEL daisuke10.mapDEL daisuke11.mapDEL daisuke13.mapDEL daisuke14.mapDEL daisuke15.mapDEL daisuke18.mapDEL daisuke19.mapDEL daisuke20.mapDEL daisuke21.mapDEL daisuke22.mapDEL daisuke24.mapDEL daisuke25.mapDEL daisuke26.mapDEL daisuke34.mapDEL daisuke36.mapDEL daisuke38.mapDEL daisuke48.mapDEL daisuke52.mapDEL daisuke56.mapDEL daisuke57.mapDEL daisuke58.mapDEL daisuke59.mapDEL daisuke60.mapDEL Ezload.mapDEL G-JET.mapDEL gocircle.mapDEL guringurin.mapDEL G_JET.mapDEL hairpin.mapDEL hayashi05.mapDEL hayashi06.mapDEL hayashi07.mapDEL hayashi08.mapDEL hayashi10.mapDEL hayashi11.mapDEL hayashi12.mapDEL hayashi13.mapDEL hayashi15.mapDEL hayashi16.mapDEL hayashi17.mapDEL hayashi19.mapDEL hayashi21.mapDEL hayashi22.mapDEL
DEL higuchi_001.mapDEL hori04.mapDEL hori05.mapDEL hori06.mapDEL ichihachimap.mapDEL Jeff_map.mapDEL jisouhou.mapDEL kawasaki001.mapDEL kawasaki002.mapDEL kawasaki003.mapDEL muramatu01.mapDEL muramatu02.mapDEL muramatu03.mapDEL muramatu04.mapDEL muramatu05.mapDEL muramatu06.mapDEL muramatu09.mapDEL muramatu10.mapDEL muramatu100.mapDEL muramatu11.mapDEL muramatu12.mapDEL muramatu13.mapDEL muramatu14.mapDEL muramatu15.mapDEL muramatu16.mapDEL muramatu18.mapDEL muramatu19.mapDEL muramatu20.mapDEL muramatu21.mapDEL muramatu23.mapDEL muramatu24.mapDEL muramatu25.mapDEL muramatu26.mapDEL muramatu27.mapDEL muramatu28.mapDEL muramatu29.mapDEL muramatu30.mapDEL muramatu31.mapDEL muramatu32.mapDEL muramatu34.mapDEL muramatu35.mapDEL muramatu39.mapDEL muramatu40.mapDEL muramatu41.mapDEL muramatu42.mapDEL muramatu43.mapDEL muramatu44.mapDEL muramatu45.mapDEL muramatu46.mapDEL muramatu47.mapDEL muramatu48.mapDEL muramatu49.mapDEL muramatu50.mapDEL muramatu51.mapDEL muramatu53.mapDEL muramatu54.mapDEL
DEL muramatu56.mapDEL muramatu57.mapDEL muramatu58.mapDEL muramatu59.mapDEL muramatu60.mapDEL muramatu61.mapDEL muramatu62.mapDEL muramatu63.mapDEL muramatu64.mapDEL muramatu65.mapDEL muramatu66.mapDEL muramatu67.mapDEL muramatu68.mapDEL muramatu69.mapDEL muramatu70.mapDEL muramatu71.mapDEL muramatu72.mapDEL muramatu73.mapDEL muramatu74.mapDEL muramatu75.mapDEL muramatu76.mapDEL muramatu77.mapDEL muramatu78.mapDEL muramatu79.mapDEL muramatu80.mapDEL muramatu81.mapDEL muramatu82.mapDEL muramatu83.mapDEL muramatu84.mapDEL muramatu85.mapDEL muramatu86.mapDEL muramatu87.mapDEL muramatu88.mapDEL muramatu89.mapDEL muramatu90.mapDEL muramatu91.mapDEL muramatu92.mapDEL muramatu93.mapDEL muramatu94.mapDEL muramatu95.mapDEL muramatu96.mapDEL muramatu97.mapDEL muramatu98.mapDEL muramatu99.mapDEL nakazawa01.mapDEL nakazawa02.mapDEL nakazawa03.mapDEL nakazawa06.mapDEL nakazawa08.mapDEL nakazawa10.mapDEL nakazawa13.mapDEL nakazawa14.mapDEL nakazawa15.mapDEL nakazawa17.mapDEL nakazawa18.mapDEL nakazawa20.mapDEL
DEL nakazawa23.mapDEL nakazawa24.mapDEL nakazawa25.mapDEL nakazawa26.mapDEL nakazawa27.mapDEL nakazawa28.mapDEL nakazawa31.mapDEL nakazawa33.mapDEL nakazawa34.mapDEL nakazawa35.mapDEL nakazawa36.mapDEL nakazawa37.mapDEL nakazawa38.mapDEL nakazawa39.mapDEL nakazawa41.mapDEL nakazawa43.mapDEL nakazawa44.mapDEL nakazawa45.mapDEL nakazawa46.mapDEL nakazawa47.mapDEL nakazawa48.mapDEL nakazawa49.mapDEL nakazawa50.mapDEL nakazawa51.mapDEL nakazawa52.mapDEL nakazawa54.mapDEL nakazawa55.mapDEL nisikawa1.mapDEL nisikawa2.mapDEL nisikawa4.mapDEL nisikawa6.mapDEL ohashi01.mapDEL plasmaimpact.mapDEL plasmamap.mapDEL plasmazuru.mapDEL sakuttomap.mapDEL san04.mapDEL sf2_01.mapDEL sf2_02.mapDEL sf2_03.mapDEL sf2_05.mapDEL sf2_07.mapDEL sf2_09.mapDEL sf2_11.mapDEL sf2_12.mapDEL sf2_13.mapDEL sf2_14.mapDEL sfw05_4.mapDEL sfw06_4.mapDEL sfw08_4.mapDEL sfw09_4.mapDEL sfw10_4.mapDEL Sky4.mapDEL T-STAR.mapDEL tei00.mapDEL test.mapDEL
DEL test02.mapDEL umi07.mapDEL w2_m3p03.mapDEL w2_m4p01.mapDEL w2_m4p02.mapDEL w2_t2p01.mapDEL w2_t2p02.mapDEL w2_t2p03.mapDEL w2_t2p04.mapDEL w2_t2p05.mapDEL w2_t2p06.mapDEL w2_t3p01.mapDEL w2_t3p02.mapDEL w2_t4p01.mapDEL w2_t4p02.mapDEL w2_test01.mapDEL w2_test03.mapDEL w2_test08.mapDEL w3_2p01.mapDEL w3_2p03.mapDEL w3_2p04.mapDEL w3_2p05.mapDEL w3_2p06.mapDEL w3_4p01.mapDEL w3_4p02.mapDEL w3_4p03.mapDEL w3_4p05.mapDEL w3_e3_01.mapDEL w3_e3_02.mapDEL w3_e3_03.mapDEL w3_s2p01.mapDEL w3_s2p02.mapDEL w3_s2p03.mapDEL w3_s3p01.mapDEL w3_s3p02.mapDEL w3_s3p03.mapDEL w3_s4p01.mapDEL w3_s4p02.mapDEL w3_s4p03.mapDEL w3_s4p04.mapDEL w3_t2p01.mapDEL w3_t2p02.mapDEL w3_t2p03.mapDEL w3_t3p01.mapDEL w3_t3p02.mapDEL w3_t3p03.mapDEL w3_t4p01.mapDEL w3_t4p02.mapDEL w3_trytest02.mapDEL w3_trytest03.mapDEL webbridge.mapDEL zzz_maeda01.mapDEL zzz_maeda02.mapDEL zzz_maeda04.mapDEL zzz_maeda07.mapDEL zzz_maeda08.mapDEL
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v · t · e The Advance Wars series | |
NES | Famicom Wars |
Game Boy (Color) | Game Boy Wars 3 (Prototype) |
SNES | Super Famicom Wars |
Game Boy Advance | Advance Wars• Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising |
Nintendo DS | Advance Wars: Dual Strike• Advance Wars: Days of Ruin |
Wii | Battalion Wars 2 |